Dental Braces: What are they, and how are they done?

Dentists use wire-based appliances called dental braces to correct crowded and misaligned teeth and jaws. Many people who require dental braces do so during their adolescent years, but braces can also benefit adults. The purpose of dental braces is to align your teeth and jaws to have a balanced bite and a pleasing smile.

A series of customized, removable appliances known as clear aligners or “invisible braces” is an option for minor corrections. For some adults, these may have a more appealing appearance. If you’re debating between clear aligners and fixed braces, find out how much they cost and the benefits and drawbacks of your specific needs. To properly correct their dental problems, many people require fixed braces.

Dental braces are now much more comfortable than they were in the past, thanks to modern materials and technologies.

Why Are Braces Done?

Dental braces are used to treat the following issues:

  • Teeth that are crowded or crooked
  • Too much space exists between your teeth.
  • Too much overlap between the upper and lower front teeth, either vertically (overbite) or horizontally (gum disease) (overjet)
  • The upper front teeth bite behind the lower front teeth (underbite)
  • Other issues that cause an uneven bite include jaw misalignment.

The appearance of your teeth, as well as the health of your mouth and the way you bite, chew, and speak, may all benefit from the proper tooth and jaw alignment.

Braces for adults

Adults with braces may need to wear them for longer than children, but they can still achieve similar results, such as straightening crooked teeth or realigning a misaligned jaw. However, because your facial bones are no longer growing, there may be some issues that braces alone will not be able to correct.


Dental braces are commonly considered to be a very safe treatment. There are, however, several dangers.

Short-term threats

Braces build tiny spaces around your teeth, capturing food particles and facilitating the production of bacteria-filled plaque. Failure to remove food and plaque deposits will result in:

  • Mineral depletion in the outer enamel surface of your teeth, which can cause permanent whitish stains.
  • Gum disease and tooth decay (cavities).

Long-term threats

Long-term threats may include:

  • Root lengths are shorter. Any of the bone in the moving tooth’s direction dissolves during transit, while new bone is laid behind it. During this process, permanent tooth root length loss can occur, resulting in less stable teeth. However, in the vast majority of cases, this is unproblematic.
  • Correction has been lost. If you don’t carefully follow your orthodontist’s instructions after your braces are removed, especially when it comes to wearing a retainer, you risk losing some of the correction you received while wearing braces.]

Reduce the chances of being injured.

To lessen the chance of your teeth and braces being hurt, follow these steps:

  • Reduce sugary and starchy foods and drinks, as they contribute significantly to plaque development and tooth decay.
  • Clean your teeth properly with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush, ideally after each meal. If you don’t have time to brush your teeth after dinner, rinse your mouth with water.
  • Rinse the braces thoroughly to eliminate any particles. Make sure your teeth are clean by looking in the mirror.
  • If your dentist in Abu Dhabi or orthodontist recommends it, use a fluoride rinse.
  • Using a floss threader, floss between braces and underwires. Your orthodontist may also recommend a small flexible toothbrush for cleaning between braces and wires.
  • Sticky foods, such as chewing gum, chewy candies, caramel, and taffy, should be avoided. They have the power to cut brackets, bands, and wires.
  • Ice, raw carrots, hard candies, popcorn, and nuts are all examples of hard or crunchy foods to avoid. They can crack parts of your braces.
  • To keep your teeth and gums safe, visit your dentist in Abu Dhabi for checkups and cleanings as often as your dentist in Abu Dhabi suggests.
  • Follow the instructions — defiance will lengthen the time it takes to complete a task and increase complications.

Finally, Braces are usually successful at realigning crooked teeth and fixing incorrectly aligned jaws, resulting in a beautiful smile and a safe mouth. Most people wear full braces for one to three years on average. To ensure that the final results are stable, retainers can be worn indefinitely. The person wearing the braces plays a vital role in the treatment’s success. During the retention period, pay careful attention to the orthodontist’s instructions. It’s vital to wear the retainer as directed during this final step or risk losing the benefits acquired when wearing braces.

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