PMS Mood Swings: Tips to Ease the Symptoms

PMS Mood Swings: Tips to Ease the Symptoms

PMS Mood Swings: Tips to Ease the Symptoms

For people who menstruate, mood swings are a natural occurrence, especially when you’re about a week or two from the beginning of yet another cycle. While premenstrual symptoms such as moodiness, bloating, and headaches are probably part of your entire rhythm now, there’s no denying that they can sometimes get so severe that they force you to miss work, school, or other important events in your life. 

In the simplest terms possible: PMS symptoms are the absolute worst! You might be tempted to look at alternatives such as menstrual extraction or ending your period earlier through hormonal birth control and clinically-proven herbal remedies, but the good news is that mood swings are perfectly normal. Just as emotions are normal for all of us. 

Even better news? You can be strategic with this whole thing. There are lifestyle changes you can make, big and small, to successfully heal PMS symptoms. 

You can take it a little easier now as we’ve listed down tips to ease your mood swings below. 

Take A Moment To Observe and Write Down Your PMS Symptoms 

PMS affects everyone who experiences it differently. Some may only have cramps and fatigue, while others may have the full spectrum of symptoms. 

So, before you try out the tips below, make sure you know what your PMS symptoms are. When does it begin for you? What symptoms make you feel most uncomfortable? In what order do they occur?

If you’re not into journaling or writing, you can also try using a period tracking app. Some people use these apps to help them anticipate PMS symptoms. This helps them prepare their minds and bodies to lessen the impact. 

Get Up And Move! 

It might sound counterintuitive at first, but exercise is a great way to keep PMS mood swings at bay. Taking the time out of your day to walk, jog, dance, or run lifts your mood in ways that sweets and hours upon hours of your favorite TV show can’t. 

It’s the endorphins! Whenever you exercise, your body releases these hormones, which are known to be natural painkillers or “feel-good” chemicals because of their ability to give you that feeling of overall well-being. 

Moving around and about will help you feel more energized and ready to take on the day. Not only that, but it also helps with reducing stress, anxiety, and fatigue. 

You don’t have to do anything too drastic. Even just thirty minutes a day can ease your PMS symptoms and help regulate your mood. 

Eat Healthfully 

You have probably heard this advice a million times over and read it in every article about easing PMS mood swings, but there is a very good reason for that. The food you eat while on PMS will either help you or hurt you. 

PMS symptoms can be dramatically reduced by simply improving your nutrition. As much as possible, concentrate on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables (particularly leafy greens), legumes, and whole grains, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. 

Avoid processed meals and saturated fats at all costs, as they can lead to inflammation throughout your body and brain, which will only further agitate your mood. Excessive sugar and caffeine are also no-nos. These boost your mood for a certain period of time, just to send you into a tailspin later. The ups and downs induced by sugar and caffeine can be especially damaging if you’re already experiencing mood swings before your period.

If you’re unsure whether or not the diet you’re on right now is giving you enough nutrients, don’t hesitate to approach a licensed nutritionist. 

Get A Good Shut Eye

There is no other way to go about this—you need to sleep eight hours or more, especially before and during your period. Hitting the hay is an excellent way to calm your nerves and let your body relax. 

Sleep and your mood are closely connected. Insufficient or bad sleep can lead to irritability and tension, whereas adequate sleep can improve your overall health and well-being. With enough sleep, you wouldn’t have to worry about your moodiness getting even worse. 

Try Taking Some Supplements 

There are some PMS symptoms that can be alleviated with a variety of vitamins and minerals. 

Some of the most popular supplements during PMS are: 

  • Vitamin B6 for energy 
  • Vitamin D for mood enhancement 
  • Magnesium for PMS-induced headaches
  • Calcium to combat fatigue 
  • Essential Fatty Acids to regulate mood swings 

It’s important to note that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all nutrient mix to assist in alleviating PMS symptoms. However, this variety of nutrients can make a difference. 

Always talk to your doctor before starting a supplement regimen. Keep in mind that when you consume too much of one nutrient, your body’s ability to absorb others may be harmed.

It’s Okay To Pamper Yourself 

There’s no room for guilt, especially when you’re doing something good for yourself. Self-care will never be selfish. That’s why whenever your PMS symptoms rear their ugly head again, make an effort to give yourself some TLC. 

When your moods are not as stable as you want them to be, it’s perfectly okay to do some additional pampering activities for yourself. Anything that helps you relax and slow down the incessant stream of thoughts in your head is an excellent place to start. Start with a nice face mask or a warm bath. Submerging yourself in warm water can also relieve period cramps, which is always a welcome bonus. 

Cope With Stress In Healthier Ways 

Don’t let stress get the best of you! And don’t reach for that cigarette. Smoking will only worsen your PMS symptoms. 

Hang out with your friends, find other menstruating people who love yoga, maybe even get a massage. If you would much rather keep to yourself, you can try writing in a journal, meditating, or doing some deep breathing or muscle relaxation exercises. 

Seek Professional Help  

Whether it’s before or during your period, remember that it’s best to see a doctor if you’re experiencing extreme pain.

The same thing goes for your mental well-being. Discuss prescription choices with a professional. Taking an antidepressant around your period might sometimes help. Once you’re able to talk about this, you and your healthcare provider can work together to find the best option that works for you.

Don’t Let PMS Get In The Way Of Your Life!  

PMS mood swings: this is the uphill battle you’ll face monthly. It’s a good thing you’re not alone! Another advantage is that you can alleviate these symptoms no matter how severe they become. With a few lifestyle changes such as exercise, a balanced diet, enough sleep, and self-care, as well as the help of your healthcare provider, you’ll be able to manage your mood swings in no time! 

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