5 advice only pregnancy specialist will give you

5 advice only pregnancy specialist will give you

As an expecting mother, you may receive advice and tips from everywhere. But, how do you know which ones are best for your baby and you? Don’t worry, here are some suggestions which only a pregnancy specialist will give you. You can count on it

1. Take your prenatal vitamins:

Prenatal vitamins are crucial when you are trying to conceive a baby or have conceived already. The neural cord, which eventually becomes the brain and spinal cord for your baby, develops within the first month of the pregnancy. At this time, important nutrients such as folic acid, calcium, and iron are required from the very start of your pregnancy.

Consult your pregnancy specialist for a proper prescription of these vitamins. Sometimes, vitamin tablets can make you feel a tab bit queasy. You chew some jaggery or a tablespoon of honey will make the tablets go down.

2. Make a birth plan:

Are you planning to take an epidural? Do you want to have a natural birth or water birth or house birth? While planning your pregnancy, it is important that you jot down all that you want. A good pregnancy specialist will always ask you to write down your wishes and hand a copy to everyone involved in your pregnancy. OBGYN generally consider the wishes of a mother before they start the birthing process.

Furthermore, if there are any unforeseen complications then, the doctors can inform you about which of your wishes can be carried forward.

3. Educate yourself:

Generally, pregnancy specialists insist on educating yourself about the prenatal, natal, and post-natal phases. This may not necessarily mean attending a childbirth class or joining a ‘first time Mama’ groups. The education will be more for you to be prepared for your baby. This will involve learning about childbirth and infant care. In the process, you also get an opportunity to voice your doubts and concerns.

A quick glance at your partner’s and your family’s medical history will give you an idea of what should be prepared for. If you have had complicated pregnancies in the past or a miscarriage, it’s best to share this information with your doctor.

4. Wear the right shoes:

As your baby bump grows, it can take a toll on your feet. This is because your natural weight gain throws off your center of gravity. It invariably puts more pressure on your feet. This could cause over-pronation or flattening out of the feet. During pregnancy, your body may retain the fluids which can cause ankle swelling.

Comfortable shoes offer adequate cushioning to the feet. This helps to deal with the swelling and pressure that your feet bear

5. Indulge in your cravings. Sometimes:

While family and friends may ask you not to eat certain things, a pregnancy specialist will tell you that cravings are normal. And sometimes indulging in them is fine too. While some believe that pregnancy cravings happen due to the lack of nutrients. No matter what the reason is, pregnancy cravings are normal, and indulging in them sometimes is not bad.

Your pregnancy specialist is not only your doctor, he/she is your friend too. Make sure to tell them the slightest fears that you may have during your pregnancy. They can help you get through your pregnancy easily.

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