Former Memphis Resident Needs Life-Saving Double Lung Transplant

Pam Miles, a public relations executive who lived in Memphis for 13 years, has Cystic Fibrosis and must undergo a complete lung transplant within the next six months in order to live. A corps of volunteers, led by members of the Public Relations Society of America, has mobilized to raise $200,000 to cover transplant-related expenses not covered by Pam’s health insurance, including post-surgery anti- rejection medications. Without these funds, Pam cannot be a candidate for the transplant.

The Friends for Pam Miles Fundraising Campaign was officially launched on June 5, 2006. Donations are being administered by COTA (The Children’s Organ Transplant Association), a national 501(c)3 non-profit organization that helps children and adults in need of life-saving transplants.

Pam lived in Memphis from 1987 to 2000, working in the Memphis media, as the owner of a marketing and media consulting business and later for a telecommunications equipment company. She still has close ties to the area through business contacts and longstanding friendships.

Pam was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic and fatal disease that affects the lungs and digestive system, during her senior year of high school. She has steadfastly refused to be defined by the disease, which affects approximately 30,000 children and adults in the United States. The disease, and frequent lung infections and hospitalizations, have not stopped her from a successful career as a public relations executive and as principal of Miles Communications, a full service public relations and marketing communications agency in Arlington. Pam, who has received her APR credential, is a leader in the National Capital Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America and served as its president in 2004. In 2005, she was a member of the nominating committee for national PRSA. She enjoys yoga, sailing and theater, and is the proud owner of Olivia Godiva, her chocolate brown cocker spaniel.

All donations to the Friends for Pam Miles Campaign through COTA are tax deductible and 100 percent of each donation goes directly to transplant- related expenses. Persons wishing to make a tax-deductible donation online can go to Contributions can also be made in person at any Wachovia Bank branch location using account number 3000025425861, or via check or money order made payable to COTA for Pam M and mailed to Children’s Organ Transplant Association, 2501 COTA Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403.

Pam and her family have asked for assistance from the Children’s Organ Transplant Association, Bloomington, Indiana, a national charity dedicated to organizing and guiding families and communities in raising funds for transplant-needy patients. COTA was founded in 1986 after a group of Bloomington, Indiana, volunteers helped raise funds to place a child on the liver transplant waiting list. Since then, COTA has helped more than 1,000 children and adults and raised more the $40 million. The organization’s priority is to assure that no child or young adult is denied a transplant or excluded from a transplant waiting list due to lack of funds. Every dollar raised in honor of COTA’s patients is used for transplant-related expenses.

The Children’s Organ Transplant Association

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