Olive Oil Using Guidelines For Good Health

Olive Oil Using Guidelines For Good Health

The oil has been used in cooking and cooking since ancient times. According to the scientists, olive oil contains ingredients that keep our body healthy and beautiful. Now let’s know about the different uses of olive oil. There are several uses of olive oil or olive oil in health protection and silverware.

Heart care

Olive antioxidant reduces blood cholesterol levels. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Help with digestion

Olive oil contains plenty of fiber. That helps in the digestive process. Not only this, it also protects against gastric and ulcer.

Bone cramps

Olive oil contains Vitamin E and Polyphenal, which protects against asthma and arthritis. Many people have bone loss due to age. The olive oil of this bone.

To remove the skin of the skin

As the age increases, there is a light fold on the forehead, on the side and under the skin on the forehead. To remove this diarrhea, a little aloe vera oil mixed with two tablespoons olive oil will help you to massage the skin.

Reduce weight

Olive oil can reduce body weight. Also, in the morning, before eating breakfast, drink 2 tablespoons olive well, digestion power will increase.

To make the makeup clean

With olive oil, all the makeups of the face can be easily removed. When you make a makeup, take a cotton ball and massage it with a little olive oil, all the makeup will be seen.


Take one egg and two tablespoons olive oil and mix well. Then wash the paste with your hair after 20-30 minutes with warm mildew. Hair glow increases. After shampooing, grapple with a few drops of olive oil in the palm of your hand. Then apply hair instead of conditioner. To get rid of the dandruff, mix olive oil and almond oil mixed together and rub the hair at the top of the scalp. Wait for an hour and shampoo. This will reduce the dandruff for 3 weeks.

Lip care

Olive oil can be used in the lips instead of lipbaam, vaseline. Before sleeping, clean the lips with a clean towel and then apply olive well. Lipstick will be soft even if you take a little olive oil before planting.

Foot care

The use of olive oil in the care of the feet is incomparable. Take 1 teaspoon of salt in the foot and mix them well with olive oil and make scraps and massage the legs. Find good results.

Care of nails

Olive oil standard for keeping the outer layer of brittle nails and nails the skin healthy, beautiful and soft. A few drops Exstra virgin olive oil is nigble tight and brilliant when fingered with a finger on the finger of the hand and well-lit on the nucleus and surroundings. Besides, nails will be surrounded by soft and moist. References: Website.

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