All You Need to Know About Baby Vaccination Schedule

All You Need to Know About Baby Vaccination Schedule

You’ve welcomed a new life into this world and can’t help feeling overjoyed and overwhelmed at the same time. That’s quite normal. Everyone must be wishing you and your baby good health and happiness. But only you can ensure that your child has a better chance at good health. Yes, that’s right. By following the baby vaccination schedule, you can protect your child from various diseases.

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What are Vaccinations?

A vaccination is a type of medical intervention intended to stop the spread of specific illnesses. These illnesses may be infectious or contagious. Vaccines work by building the immune system to tackle these germs. Weakened strains of the pathogen or strains that resemble it are included in vaccines.

Following the baby vaccination schedule can help your child’s body build immunity against the illness when they encounter it through their life. Vaccinations not only keep your child healthy, but also benefit other kids by stopping the transmission of deadly childhood illnesses.

What is a Baby Vaccination Schedule?

A baby vaccination schedule contains the list of vaccines that are essential for children and the timing of each of them. While some vaccinations are in the form of injections, others may be in oral form (drops). For some vaccines, your child may need only one shot. Others may need multiple doses for maximum effectiveness. It is essential to follow the immunization schedule. The paediatrician you are consulting for your baby may be able to give you a printout of the schedule. You can also mark the important dates on your calendar, so that you don’t miss any dosage.

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Understand the Terms in Your Baby Vaccination Schedule

Although some terms are simple to understand, you will find terms like DPT, BCG and MMR in the baby vaccination schedule.  Let’s understand what these are:

DPT – This stands for Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus Toxoids. This one injection protects your child against these three ailments. The diphtheria vaccine prevents a severe throat infection that might close off the airway and make breathing extremely difficult. The pertussis vaccine prevents a disease that has cold-like symptoms called whooping cough. The tetanus shot protects from a nerve condition that can strike at any age and is brought on by contaminated wounds with toxin-producing bacteria.

BCG – This is given at birth for the prevention of tuberculosis. A single dose of the BCG vaccine is sufficient to provide lifetime immunity.

MMR – This one vaccine protects your child from mumps, measles and rubella. Usually, the mumps virus induces swelling in the glands next to the ears. Both measles and rubella can cause rashes, fever, cough, and a runny nose. All this can be avoided with this vaccine.

What could be more important than the health of your baby? Vaccines give your little one a fighting chance for a lifetime. Therefore, it is important to know your baby vaccine schedule and ensure all the shots are administered. For any information, whether it is about your baby or complications like PCOD vs PCOS, it is always best to consult a doctor.

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