To have thought of IVF, you must have gone through all the other options. Now that everything else has failed, you come to the conclusion that IVF is the only way out for you to become a mother. But if you think you are alone in your painful journey of not being able to conceive naturally, then you are wrong. 1 in every 8 women needs this extra help in becoming a mother.
What Is IVF?
IVF is a treatment where the egg is extracted from you and fertilized with sperm from your partner outside of your body. The embryo that results from this external fertilization procedure is then injected or inserted into the uterus of the woman from where the journey to motherhood is like everyone else. For this treatment, you can contact the best IVF centre in Chennai, and you can expect positive results.
What Are The Effects Of IVF?
IVF can be mentally and physically draining. It drains you out of a lot. This is because of the number of medications and injections that are driven into your body in preparation for the upcoming pregnancy. It could make you go through many tense moments because of the anxiety you feel. Sometimes you will experience sadness and uncertainty about your ability to achieve motherhood. But your fertility centre can help you with the right advice.
Factors That Are To Be Taken Care Of Leading To This Period
The coming 30 days after the procedure is completed is very crucial for the method to be a success. It only naturally makes sense that you follow a good schedule that could help you to achieve success. And this can be achieved in association with your fertility hospital and the doctors under whose care you are.
The best fertility clinic in Chennai will have the best doctors who will advise you on the food that you should consume for a healthy baby and the exercise regimen that you should follow for a boosted metabolism.
They will guide you on certain IVF foods to avoid so that your chances of pregnancy are better without those food items.
Food That You Must Eat And Avoid During IVF
There are many foods that you should very religiously include into your diet leading to your IVF procedure and even after it. Eating healthy with balanced meals is the key to a successful IVF treatment. You should include lots of proteins, iron, folic acid, healthy fats, low-fat foods, and various nutrients in your diet plan. At least, this is what the best IVF centre in Chennai will advise you on.
The IVF foods to avoid include processed food, high caffeine content food, red meat, refined sugars like sweeteners and artificial sweeteners, refined grains, excess salts, and foods flavoured with herbs and spices.
Also, Read – Why couples should opt for IVF
Exercise To Be Done
You can follow a light exercising regimen right from the beginning of your procedure as advised by your fertility centre. That boosts your metabolic rate, which will help to make your chances of motherhood more likely. Running should be restricted to 15 miles a week. Instead, you can do light jogging, hiking, spinning, and some yoga. They are good for the body.
These are the food and exercise schedules that you should follow if you want our procedure to be a success. Try following the advice of your fertility hospital, and you are more likely to become a mother very soon.
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