Newborn, age 10 days. Repeatedly lying downstairs. She is just breastfed. Parents are worried, despite the mother’s milk, why the baby diarrhea? Many of those children who have just been breastfeeding have had such problems. Mother’s milk is the best food, we all know it.
Mother’s milk keeps the baby well. However, there is something in the mother’s milk as well, which can be used as a thin toilet. Sometimes there is water, sometimes green or foam foam closet. Even in 24 hours, there may be a 24-hour wash room. Many mothers-babies stop feeding their own mother’s milk or thinking of being a doctor.
Sadly, many of our doctors also played a negative role in this regard. Check the baby’s closet and see whether glucose is going on in the report. Talking about the mother’s milk glucose or sugar diet is not tolerating, she forbids or discourages mother’s breastfeeding and writes for feeding of powdered milk.
In this case, you are not worried about the mother. Keep breastfeeding the baby, this problem will be resolved gradually.
However, if there is water loss in addition to thin bowel, if the child becomes dull or weak or fever, then take him to the doctor or to the hospital. Again, the mother’s milk will keep the baby good. Be nice, you, your child, all the time.