Precautions to Take After an Embryo Transfer

Precautions to Take After an Embryo Transfer

Embryo transfer is the last and the most crucial stage of IVF. Hereafter, it is the responsibility of the mother to take care of the body. Whether the embryo attaches or not is totally biological. No medications or exercise at this point can influence the outcome. But, you must ensure the best possible chances to your body to encourage the implant. Taking good care can also promote safety, reduce possible side effects and improve the success rate of conception.

There are not many things an IVF patient needs to worry about. For example, there are hardly any restrictions on activities or foods. This is because once the embryo is placed in the cavity of the womb, there’s very little you can do to assure pregnancy. However, consider taking the below precautions to avoid any complications in the process at least.

Notice the Symptoms

Bloating, mood swings, cramps, light spotting, sore breasts and tiredness are common experiences in the period between embryo transfer and pregnancy tests. Therefore, try not to confuse these with menstrual cycle and panic. However, check whether the symptoms are severe or persistent. In case they don’t go away; consider seeking medical help from the best fertility hospital in Hyderabad. Timely intervention can keep you from contracting complications.

Avoid Extreme Heat

Studies have found that hyperthermia during pregnancy can lead to embryonic death. This usually occurs through mitochondrial swelling and microtubal disruption. Subsequently, organellar damage takes place which is quite dangerous. Therefore, try not to expose your body to heat. Avoid saunas and hot showers. This can protect the child against abortion, growth defects and developmental delays.

Refrain from Sex

Intercourse is known to trigger uterine contractions. This is harmful for the embryo that was recently placed in the uterine cavity. Therefore, you must allow pelvic rest for at least 5-7 days post transfer. Otherwise, disruptions in the embryo can reduce the chances of implantation. Further, it can also lead to miscarriage if the embryo is expelled from the uterus. However, sexual activities which do not include penetration are permissible. In fact, they can be helpful in reducing stress and boosting your mood.

Avoid Excessive Rest

Staying in bed after the IVF in Hyderabad does not impact the chances of implantation. In fact, high levels of inactivity along with estrogen can lead to a rise in insulin resistance. There could also be blood clot formation which can impair blood flow necessary for fetal growth. Therefore, keep moving. Try light exercises and household chores. But do not overdo the same and exert yourself in the process. Take rest only as much as your body demands.

 Take Your Medications

Progesterone and esterase are continued until the day of your pregnancy test. The doctor can also suggest fertility drugs that promote implantation. Try not to skip the medications even if they come with side effects. Do talk to your doctor in case of discomforts. But missing out on medicines can make you body throw up odd symptoms.

Further, try to control blood sugar to support embryo conception. Consume a healthy diet and stay well-hydrated. Rest assured, these can improve the chances of conception after IVF in Hyderabad to some extent.

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