How to Prevent Pelvic Organ Prolapse

How to Prevent Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic Organ Prolapse is a condition when a pelvic organ (urinary bladder/ uterus/ rectum) bulges or descends down from its anatomical position to the vaginal opening. There’s no one causative factor, but a collection of obstructive events and risk factors can be held responsible. Age demographics, obstetric factors, connective tissue disorders, genetics and past surgeries in the pelvic region have proven to be the key drivers.

Despite the high prevalence of the disorder in the female population, education about prevention of the same is limited to a small number. We here jot down the top recommendations of the best gynecologist in Chennai that can help you and your fellow friends and family to remain on the preventive side of the dreadful disease of pelvic organ prolapse.

  • Avoid constipation – Chronic constipation is a major cause of dysfunction of pelvic organs. Dietary changes like consuming more salads ( avoid heavy dressings ) and sorts of food which are high in fibre and easy to digest. Stay hydrated, drink loads of water and other nutritious fluids to avoid constipation.
  • Go when you need to go – Avoid bearing down and straining for bowel passage, unnecessary pressure on the organ makes it bulge and dysfunction.
  • Maintain standard weight – Take extra care if you’re overweight or obese. Extra weight can lead to many fatal issues apart Pelvic Organ Prolapse.
  • Keep it going – Keep yourself physically active, dance, hike, swim or run. Physical activity to maintain weight, as well as bowel function, can help many medical conditions. Yoga poses or asanas for the concerned area is most ideal.
  • Take Care – Take due care that you’re not straining your pelvic muscles while working out, especially if you’re in a childbearing age or have given through one or more vaginal births.
  • Never use lower back’s strength to lift heavy objects, use arms and legs as many times as possible.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Kegels are the star here – Kegel exercises have proven to be the most helpful preventive measure, according to most of the best gynecologists in Chennai. These exercises are specially designed to strengthen a female’s pelvic floor muscles. These are not rocket science but simple exercise that you can do at home once you have learned to do it right. They deliver the most successful results when performed under a therapist’s supervision and monitoring devices. Here’s how you Kegel –Tighten your pelvic floor muscles as if you’re trying to avoid passing gas and repeat the same with trying to avoid passing urine. Hold it for five seconds and release it for another five, if this is taking too much effort, you can start with holding periods of two seconds and releasing periods of three seconds. The ultimate goal is to hold up the contractions for 10 seconds in one go, you have to practice three sets of 10 reps of 10 seconds each every day.

Mild uterine prolapse usually can be cured with little exercise and diet changes but if it makes you uncomfortable, causes pain or hinders you life functions or worsens, visit your doctor. 

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