When To Visit A Neurologist In Migraines

When To Visit A Neurologist In Migraines

Migraines are severe recurring painful headaches that are unbearable for a person experiencing it. These pains can be accompanied or preceded by sensory warning signs and several other symptoms. The pain caused by migraine can last for hours or even days. Migraine usually affects people in the age group of 15 years to 55 years. People who often experience migraine realize and identify the factors or triggers that lead to headache namely, stress, light, anxiety, allergies, etc. Some people identify their warning symptom and hence take preventive medicine or treatment from being effected by migraine.

Triggers of Migraine:

The exact cause of migraine is still unknown yet it has been suspected that migraine is caused due to abnormal activity in the brain. Still, it has been found that following are the triggers/causes of migraine:

1. Hormonal changes:

Women may suffer from migraine during menstruation, as there are higher chances of changes in hormonal levels.

2. Physical causes:

The following are the physical causes of migraine:

  • Neck tension
  • Shoulder tension
  • Poor posture
  • Physical overexertion
  • Jet lag
  • Low blood sugar

3. Emotional triggers:

Emotions such as shock, anxiety, depression, excitement and stress can trigger migraine.

4. Medications:

Certain pills such as combined contraceptive pill, sleeping pills and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) are considered as triggers of migraine.

5. Diet Triggers:

Certain items like caffeine and alcohol are active contributors to causing migraine. Some food items like cheese, citrus fruits, chocolate etc also cause migraine.

6. Environmental triggers:

There are certain elements in the environment that lead to migraine. Loud noises, strong smells, flickering screens, strong smells, temperature changes, bright lights, stuff rooms, etc are probable triggers that cause migraine.

When to visit a neurologist in Migraines

We often undergo headache in our routine lifestyle, but a headache caused during a migraine is something that should not be ignored. Hence, once a person experiences either of the triggers that cause severe headache, then it is right time to visit a neurologist in Bangalore that can treat migraine.

Treatment for Migraine

There is no sure shot method of treating migraine but there are ways that can help in reducing the chances of causing migraine in an individual.

i. Lifestyle Alterations

The first and foremost way that can help in treating migraine is lifestyle alterations. This includes:

  • Regular physical regimen
  • Consumption of plenty of water
  • Pursue activities that reduce stress
  • Appropriate sleep cycle
  • Avoid certain food items and include gluten free items in the diet

ii. Surgery:

Surgery is also one of the ways of treating migraine. In this, the doctor may inject Botox injection to the cervical spinal nerves and extracranial sensory branches of trigeminal nerves. These nerves are linked to migraine reactions.

iii. Medications:

Patients can also seek a cure of migraine through medications. Over the counter or OTC medications that include ibuprofen, naproxen and acetaminophen can treat migraine. However, it is essential to consult the doctor first for getting the right treatment for migraine.

It is essential to sense, hear and feel what our body is trying to communicate. The body gives signals when it is experiencing discomfort. Migraine is also one of those discomforts for which it gives cues and signs that can lead to severe headache. Thus, one should not miss to sense those cues and take a right precautionary measure to prevent suffering from migraine.

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